Who is Red Mountain Technology Solutions?
Red Mountain Voice & Data, Inc. was founded in 2003 to address a technology gap in Southern Utah. We saw a need for a business that focused solely on customer service and knowing that the technology would simply follow. Originally created to address telecommunications and low voltage cabling, networking and all the technologies that depend on it became a perfect fit.
Around 2008, we introduced CCTV to our portfolio, due to several requests from our customers and a natural progression of technology. Since then, we have adjusted our business name to reflect more of what we do. Instead of just Voice & Data, we switched our focus to business technology to encompass all of the needs of a business. Our business name now is Red Mountain Technology Solutions.
Both Communications and Security have made leaps and bounds in the past several years. This opened up a whole new breed of technology called IoT, or Internet of Things. Now, almost every piece of technology requires a strong data backbone. VoIP (Voice Over IP) is now a stable platform after several years of testing and investing. CCTV is now capable of providing 4K and higher images. Gone are the days of TV News showing a blob and asking if we can ID them. You know you have been robbed. You don’t need proof of that, you need to ID the person or lost assets. Red Mountain is proud to help with that.
We look forward to what comes next with the introduction of 5G rolling out and Internet “Everywhere”. Imagine what business issues we can solve with technology now and in the future.
Even with the complexity of modern technology and AI (Artificial Intelligence), we are dedicated to being able to deploy technology that is easy to learn and use as well as get it going with a fast turn around.
Our company motto is “Streamline Simplicity”, and we are dedicated to just that. Let’s make technology that anyone can use.
Red Mountain Technology Solutions Brands (Technology Pillars)
Hosted PBX Solutions
HD CCTV Solutions
Access Control Solutions
Structured Cabling Solutions