Throughout your school years, you learn basic knowledge about a variety of topics – this knowledge is the foundation on which you build your life and also influences the career path you choose to follow. Although school is a wonderful way of acquiring theoretical knowledge, few things are as advantageous for your career as an internship. During an internship, you get some real-life experience in your chosen field and get a much better idea of what your job will entail one day. Internships are also fantastic to sharpen your knowledge and learn about the industry you’re involved in, in a practical and hands-on manner. That said, here is some additional information as well as the benefits we have found working with the Washington County School District Intern Program.

What Is the Washington County School District Program?

Also known as the Washk12 Intern Program, this model focuses on equipping students with the tools they need in order to be successful in their professional endeavors. First, there is a workshop where students create and perfect their LinkedIn profiles, resumes, cover letters, and so on to have the background to fall back on and potential employers to have some additional information apart from the job application. After the workshop, employers attend the program and hold mock interviews to test the students’ capabilities – an average of 80% or higher needs to be scored to pass the interview. Students who have passed then compete against one another for an internship position – the entire process takes as little as four weeks.

Why Participate in the WCSD K12 Intern Program?

Apart from the exposure and experience you’ll receive while participating in the internship program; you will also build up an entire professional profile that you will be able to use regardless of whether you receive an internship position. The profile, which consists of your LinkedIn profile, resume, cover letter, recommendation letters, and much more, as mentioned above, is invaluable and can aid you tremendously in your endeavors. Also, this particular program allows students to gain experience in a work-based environment as well as earn the credits needed for graduation without having to attend school. This serves not as an easy out for students who want to skip school but provides an opportunity for serious candidates who wish to get the ball rolling on their careers as soon as possible. Students who are serious about the program take on some extra responsibilities, seeing as they’ll be finishing school and their internship program simultaneously. Still, the rewards thereof will be insurmountable to the time and effort invested.

The Connection Between Employers and the WCSD K12 Program

One of the many benefits of participating in the Washington County School District Internship Program is the interaction with employers as well as industry experts. The Internship program has continuously been evolving since 2016 in order to stay current and up to date with developments. When students have finished their workshop, employers are brought in to interview students to evaluate the potential candidate’s skills and capabilities. This is an excellent way for students to get a better feel of what an actual interview would feel like and the questions that are asked during the process. The best part about these mock interviews is that if an employer is satisfied and deems you competent enough, they may even offer you an internship at their company. Working in partnership with employers has provided a comprehensive program that develops students and provides assistance in getting a foot in the door with the business community.

We currently have an intern working with us in the Red Mountain Technology Solutions office – a bright young student that is grabbing the opportunity that was presented to him with both hands. Not only is he learning valuable skills that can be applied in every work environment, but he’s loving the technical local service and work he is getting to do along with intensive team coaching and hands on tasks. This intern has proved himself an asset and is very valuable to our team – seeing a young individual be passionate about the trade makes being a part of the internship program completely worth it.

That said, this particular internship program will prevent an overwhelming feeling of confusion when you step into a real business environment on your first day of work – much more; this program will also enable students to network and get to know many business experts, entrepreneurs, and professionals who can provide decades of experience and knowledge that is worth gold when stepping into an industry. If students put in the effort now, they will be thanking themselves ten years from now and reap the rewards thereof!