Blog Posts
What Is a Biometric Access Control System?
Many modern corporate firms have installed biometric recognition systems to discourage unauthorized persons into their premises or information. Biometric access controls get celebrated for their security advantages over other means like ID cards. Biometric Access...
RedConnect Phone Systems for the Manufacturing Industry
No industry needs real-time communication as much as the manufacturing industry does. For example, if a machine breaks down, the manager will need to contact several people in the firm simultaneously. Manufacturing contributes to 16% of the global productivity and...
Working With Washington County School District’s Intern Program
Throughout your school years, you learn basic knowledge about a variety of topics - this knowledge is the foundation on which you build your life and also influences the career path you choose to follow. Although school is a wonderful way of acquiring theoretical...
RedConnect Business Phones for Legal Firms
Communication is part of our everyday lives. People communicate for a variety of reasons. We use communication to share information, develop social and professional relationships, ask questions, express our wants and needs, and much more. Proper work communication is...
Using Your Phone to Access a Secure Facility
Bluetooth and Other Wireless Credential Access Control Systems It's possible to work in many environments in a mobile world – home, office, on-site, and remote location. If you're in the commercial workspace, a smartphone will give you the ability to remain...
Cloud Based Access Control System
As an entrepreneur, you understand the value of time; this is one of the most significant determinants of productive and efficient companies for many years. Being able to micro-manage employees has shown remarkable results for a variety of corporate organizations....

Red Mountain Technology Solutions
446 N. Park Street Suite B St George UT 84770
Office: (435) 627-2990
Support (435) 900 RMTS (7687)