Cloud Connected Technology
Phones | HD CCTV | Access Control

Cloud-Hosted Phone Service
Red Mountain Cloud Based Communications Systems
Crystal Clear Voice Quality
Much more affordable than traditional telephone service
Local Service and Support
Big Company features at Small Company costs
Use your Desk Phone, Cordless Phone, Mobile Phone, or PC/MAC as your Telephone
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Commercial HD CCTV
Red Mountain Brand HD CCTV Products
Tested to last in our harsh Desert Environment
Super Clear 1080 and 4K images
Plug and Play Recorders or full blown Enterprise Recording Servers
Best in Class Day and Night performance
Local Service and Support
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Cloud Access Control
Prox Cards and Keyfobs
Electronic Door Locks
Audit Trails for Each Doors Activity
HR access allows Easy activation or restrictions of Employee badges
Card Design Software and Card Printers
Central Server or Cloud-Based Management
Manage your own credentials without the need for expensive service call
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Structured Cabling
Category 5e, 6, 6A, and Beyond
Fiber Optic Installation and Termination
TV and CCTV Cabling
Cable Certification Testing
Factory Trained
and Certified Installers -
System Design and Engineering
Corporate Member of BICSI
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The Red Mountain Experience
White Glove Install Service
onsite Training
Pre-Install Meetings
Local Support
2 Hr On-Site Emergency Response
On-Site Needs Assessment
Dedicated Techs
Free Design Services
What people are saying
Some of our great customers

Kari's Law - Direct Dialing 911
Every phone that can dial to the public switch network has to be able to dial 9-1-1. That includes all soft phones. Not sure if this applies to your phones? Short answer: it does. To all of them.
Kariʼs Law requires MLTS platforms that are manufactured, imported, offered for first sale or lease, first sold or leased, or installed after February 16, 2020, to enable users to dial 9-1-1 directly, without having to dial a prefix to reach an outside line, and to provide for notification (e.g., to a front desk or security office) when a 911 call is made.
All 911 calls must provide notification to the front desk, security, and/or administrative personnel. This notification must include information that a 911 call is occurring, the phone number that dialed 9-1-1, and the location of where the call was placed.
Ray Baum's Act - Accurate "Dispatchable" Locations
All 911 calls must have what the FCC is referring to as “dispatchable location”. Sec 506 of Ray Baumʼs Act defines “dispatchable location” as information adequate enough for emergency responders to find a person who has dialed 9-1-1. The “dispatchable location” will vary depending on where an individual may be calling from, however, it generally might include information such as:
Street address – 446 North Park Street, Suite B – Ground Floor (Floor, Zone, Room #) North West Corner Office
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